Sunday, August 5, 2007

Mirratopia - Chapter 1

(Chapter 1)
“Wake up, wake up” I said to my younger sister, Jenny. “It’s the first day of summer; you just can’t sleep all day.” Jenny sleepily got out of bed “Is it really summer I haven’t took the Ames test.” “Your only six” I told her “you don’t have to take it.” “Oh”. Even though she said that I knew she didn’t understand, typical six year old.

At breakfast I was the first one to the table, so I was served first. I got my cereal, but when Jenney came in I knew I was in trouble. “An-to-ny why did you get the last of the Captain Crunch?” Ever heard of first come, first serve.” right then I knew I blew it. “Anthony you apologize to your sister right now.” When I turned around to apologize, she was smiling, typical six year old. My mother gave me a nudge. “Alright” I said “I’m sorry” But I didn’t mean it, that sniveling snake knew I was going to get in trouble. That’s why she called me her pet name ‘An-to-ny’.Right then my mother called out “Anthony Anderson , Go to your room.”